We currently are in desperate need of fosters and trappers and donations to help with the great need of helping LI feral and stray cats. Please like and follow us on facebooks https://www.facebook.com/LovingPawsInc
Donations can be made via PayPal or Visa, Mastercard and American Express to LovingPawsInc@aol.com or click the donation link below. You can also send donations to Loving Paws, Inc. PO Box 307 Lake Grove, NY 11755
Where do your donations go?
Loving Paws is funded entirely by donations and out of our own pockets. This includes veterinary care for all our fosters, food, blankets and beds, as well as costs for housing for strays and ferals.
PayPal Link
Email to pay lovingpawsinc@aol.com
Select friends & family so I don’t pay fees. ty
You can also Zell a Donation to lovingpawsinc.com
Venmo Donations to https://account.venmo.com/u/lovingpawsinc
We need ongoing food you can now send food from chewy see our wish list below
Our Amazon food list link is http://a.co/0EY55oc
EIN 81-2944791

Sarah and her kittens
Rescued Sarah and her babies. All have wonderful homes. xo

Abandon by her owners but I rescued her and got her a beautiful home.

Panda Bear
Panda was dumped at one of our colonies but he had a happy ending. I got him a new home with a wonderful elderly couple.