Message From The Founder
Loriann Macli
I started on this journey many years ago helping stray cats after seeing them at a local taco bell eating out of dumpsters. It broke my heart. After that I went every day to feed them. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I learned all there was to learn on helping the cats, how they breed and how much they truly suffer. I found myself wanting to do more after seeing the suffering that I encountered and how few people really cared. I really had no idea that these animals suffer like this. I felt alone and frustrated because no one really wanted to help the situation. I tried getting some support from local rescue groups but I was left out there on my own with no support. I then realized that in order for me to really have an impact to help these animals I needed to step up and start a group that is focusing on making a greater change. Becoming a 501c has many opportunities to help these animals.
My heart is to join forces with people that are like minded and feel the same passion as I do. I also would like to be a support to individual rescuers who are caring for colonies, and have no support. They pay everything out of their own pockets, and many cannot afford to and they struggle every month to feed these animals, as I did for many many years.
Every day animals suffer because they can't speak up for themselves. I can't do this alone. I need your support, whether it be volunteering, fostering or making a contribution. Your gift is so appreciated and helps me be able to do more for a homeless animal. "Together We Save Them"